Burkina Faso Repairs Manual of Everyday Objects
Burkina Faso is a land locked country in West Africa, with an estimated population of 19,751,651, home to 60 languages, hosting 3 religions with equal amounts of believers, one of the poorest countries in the world. There is a long history of political insecurity, poverty and corruption. Between 1983 and 1987 Thomas Sankara was President and a Burkinabé revolutionary, a Marxist and pan-Africanist promoting self sufficiency, women rights and health care for the country. During his 4 years in presidency he changed the name of the country from Upper Volta to Burkina Faso - translating to Land of the Upright People. His successor Blaise Camporé – led the coup during which Thomas Sankara was killed – held office for 27 years, and resigned after an up-rising on 31st, October 2014 caused by his attempt to change the constitution to extend his term. Until now there has been no consistent successor.
Most of the population rely on self sufficiency through farming, yet the agricultural economy is highly vulnerable due to fluctuations in rainfall, climate change, soil erosion and rudimentary technology.
In 2018 the the World Bank reported cotton as the leading cash crop, increase in gold mining since the 1980s puts is as the countries other leading export.
Industry is located primarily in Bobo Dioulasoo, Ougadougou, Banfora and Koudougou where daily wage average is 2 - 3$ per day.
During a month in Burkina Faso these photos where taken of objects that have been hacked or repaired.
Available materials are used to make required objects and objects are repaired using supplies at hand – not because of a desire to re-use, repair and re-cycle but due to necessity to find a solution for a problem or a desire. These parts will continue morphing into the next object in their life time.
Instructions are provided to enable the viewer to hack objects and repair their belongings.